Saturday, 14 May 2011

A tale of two cities (in one day)

So after a lot of planning my good friend David Smerdon finally arrived yesterday, and after having a few small issues getting through the customs line and el taxista being extremely worried something had happened to him, Dave arrived at my place in Las Condes.  It was great seeing him again, and the shenanigans that will ensue over the next couple of weeks will no doubt, as always, go down in the memory book as some of the best times of my life.

Last night was the second social event for Los Santos for the year, where at the Bar California we all got together and watched the Pies vs Geelong game.  The game was an absolute belter and I think apart from some technical issues which will see me fined it was a good night.  A big thanks to Bar California for the happy hour drinks and putting on the venue.  The supporter base was a little lopsided with the usual Pies vs The World mentality, but the cheering was done it good spirit and the atmosphere in a pub a 20 hour flight from the MCG was awesome.

The weekend ahead doesn't hold too many big plans, we have footy tomorrow and are going to do some exploring around Santiago, some markets and possibliy head to Saint Cristobel and have an Apricot nector and Barley drink.. hmmm Rico!!

Anyway amigos, just a quick post - I should probably make start on the day!!
Heres to hoping the Tiges can get up tonight... Eat 'em alive!!