Friday, 18 March 2011

A tale of miscommunication and my list of T&F "usted"

T&F you

The last week has taught me how much we truly take for granted when we live in our home country.  Not only do we have our comfort zone completely established and constantly communicate in a language where we don't have to worry about the possibility of saying something completely faux pas simply because you don't have a full grasp of the language, or even if you have researched the word, local interpretations can leave you in an awkward situation.  In the last few days I have had some interesting which have allowed me to create a list of T's and F's (the astute reader will understand what I am meaning here... if you are however immediate family please don't).

T - The helpful sales agent from Paris helped me choose a coffee table for my living room and organise it to be delivered.  He went out of his way to give me a hand, and hopefully it should be delivered this afternoon!
F - The equally unhelpful Paris assistants from the liquor section, when I said "abrir mi cerveza" and then acted out on a beer me trying to use a bottle opener on a beer they looked at me and laughed, and said "No!”  Me refusing to believe that the alcohol section wouldn't have a bottle opener went looking further and ended up finding some.  When I took it back to the counter (I decided on one of the waiter’s friends) they tried to tell me it wasn't for a cerveza, only wine.... I really do see where the dumb blonde stereotype comes from... 
F - Google Translate - firstly, I don't know how the second one of these occurred I have checked back repeatedly and haven't been able to replicate it, but nonetheless I have to give Google translate the proverbial finger for giving me some dicey moments.  Two of which came in the following conversation over the sametime messaging system at work.  (For some context I am having some friends around for dinner tonight.  The actual Spanish conversation is first, what I intended is then in Brackets.  Below is what the actual conversation read.)

Conversation and what I intended.

Colleague: todavia va el asado del viernes? (Is the BBQ still happening on Friday?)   
Me: Si, Soy excitado! (Yes, I am excited!)
Colleague: jajaja.  La palabra excitado no es la usaste mal, pero se usa mas para temes sexuales.  Aqui debes usar emocionado. (that word does mean excited, but is more commonly used to mean in the sexual context.  Here you must used "emocionado")
Me: jajaja, mi entiende, Soy muy embarazado! (hahaha, I understand!  I am very embarrassed)
Colleague: jajajaja

Actual Translated Conversation:

Colleague: Is the BBQ still happening on Friday?   
Me: Yes, I am horny!
Colleague:  hahaha That word does mean excited, but is more commonly used to mean in the sexual context.  Here you must used "emocionado"
Me: hahaha, I understand!  I am very pregnant.
Colleague: hahahaha

So Google translate I am extremely grateful I told a colleague I have had lunch with once and met twice that I am not only a sex fiend but will be the second man to give birth! (on a side note, does anybody know why when I look up a word one day and have to check it again the following day it can yield different results?)

T - Google Translate, having disparaged it in the previous comment it has really been fantastic and I have two windows open with a Spanish - English and an Inglés a Español version of it to help me find words which I have no idea about.  It has sped my vocabulary learning up significantly, and it would be much more difficult to get by in the office without it.
T - The AFL - it looks like I will be able to watch AFL games through for us plebs in Latin America 5 Live games and 3 delayed games per week.  Yeahyeahyeah!  I also have dreamteam to keep me sane!
F - The bus driver who despite me pressing the button to get off at Plaza Egaña last night drove straight through it and refused to stop until the next stop.  800m along a poorly lit road was exactly what I felt like after losing my game last night (most of you will know how grumpy I am when I lose anyway!).
F - The Chilean government, it was decided two weeks ago to extend daylight savings, a good decision really, it means that we can enjoy the beautiful weather more for the next two weeks.  What it did do though was mean that all "smart" devices changed times on us on Sunday night.  It meant that planes were missed, meetings screwed up due to the computers not handling it, and most of all made me late for footy training. Sorry lads!!

So tonight I have some colleagues from work coming around for a BBQ at my place, I need to give it a bit of a tidy before they arrive.  I have organised it quite early (well by Chilean standards anyway) and so people are getting there between 9 and 10pm, so I have plenty of time to get ready!  Then I want to have a wander around the city for the rest of the weekend, probably go to the Los Dominicos markets tomorrow and just generally relax.  A kick of the footy on Sunday will give me my Australian fix.

Looking forward to 5am next Friday for the AFL season kick off.  Let’s hope it lasts longer than the last time I had some optimism about the AFL season.  From memory, halfway into the second quarter the coach was doomed and we were down by 9 goals.

Eat 'em alive Tiges!!