Monday, 28 February 2011

Buenes Noches.... Me siento mal por el desfase de hora

It certainly seems like 2011 is the year for change.  Friends getting married, some buying houses, others doing PhD's at the worlds leading universities. It's really exciting to see whats going to be happening to everyone across the next 12 months!

For me after several months of planning and nearly 20 hours of flying, I have arrived in Santiago.  A whole new world awaits me, and words (particularly with my limited Spanish vocabulary) simply cannot describe the excitement that I am feeling right now.  After getting in at slightly after midday on Monday (Lunes) I was met at the Airport by Jorje who was extremely helpful and managed to pack my worldly posessions into his car and bring me to my apartment.  A brief trip to the supermarket to make sure I had something to eat in the morning and I was back in the apartment trying to unpack my my suitcases.  Unfortunately jet-lag (or simple tiredness) got in the way, and around 5pm I crashed out.  I have no woken up at the delightful time of midnight wide awake, even though I know I"m completely exhausted.

I'm really excited about the morning - I have my first day of a new job, get to meet my boss, all my new colleagues and am really looking forward to the friendships I am going to make across the next year.
But for now I should probably try and get some sleep so that I don't spend all of the day yawning, falling asleep and dreaming about playing lasertag (actually I wonder where I can play that here?)

I will post again when my thoughts are a little more coherent and the jetlag has eased and I'll tell you all about my impressions of my new environment.

Hasta Luego Muchachos!!